Twyford St Mary's
Church of England Primary School


Our Classes

Like many rural, village schools with a small annual intake, we have mixed year classes throughout the school. This means that each of our five classes has children from two different year groups working together.

Class Teacher Year Groups
Ash Class Miss Megan Hassman Year R
Year One
Beech Class Miss Annie Matcham Year One
Year Two
Sycamore Class Mrs Nicky Lawrence

Mrs Jo White

Year Three
Year Four
Willow Class Mrs Carly Wilkinson Year Four
Year Five
Yew Class Mrs Tracey Aitken Year Five
Year Six


EYFS and Key Stage 1 – Year R to Year 2

We are lucky enough to have an additional classroom – The Orchard – which allows us to teach core subjects to our EYFS and KS1 children in the year groups.

For all Reception and Key Stage 1 children (Years 1 and 2) the class they come to each morning is their ‘home class’. These are Ash Class (Yr R and Yr 1) and Beech Class (Yr 1 and Yr 2).

  • All children start and end their day in this familiar setting, and are based in this home class for the afternoon session.
  • Year R children will be centred in Ash Class all day with Core subjects taught in the morning by Year R lead Miss Hassman who leads topic and foundation work for her mixed class in the afternoon.
  • All Year 1 children are taught Core subjects in Beech Class in the morning by our Year 1 lead Miss Matcham. In the afternoon half the year group remain in Beech while the rest return to Ash to re-join their Year R classmates for topic and foundation work.
  • Year 2 children start and end their day in Beech but spend each morning in The Orchard classroom being taught by Year 2 lead Mrs Keating, with their focus on Core subjects. They return to Beech Class in the afternoon to join the Beech Year 1 group for topic and foundation classes.

Key Stage 2 – Years 3 to 6

Key Stage 2 children (Years 3, 4, 5, and 6) are taught in their mixed-year group classes each day, with curriculum-specific activities tailored to them. Year-specific activities (such as trips, music enrichment, and residentials) run in year groups.

How are class splits decided?

Each year, when we create the new class groups, we consider the overall makeup of the classes and the specific needs of the children and take into consideration friendship groups by asking Key Stage 2 pupils to ensure that they feel happy in their new setting.

In order to ensure that all children have equal opportunities and access to both the Curriculum and Curriculum Enrichment programmes, every child will spend at least one academic year in each class.

This means that every KS1 child will spend 2 consecutive years in Ash or Beech Class, and every KS2 child will spend 2 consecutive years in either Sycamore, Willow, or Yew Classes.