Twyford St Mary's
Church of England Primary School



The purpose of a School’s Governing body is to provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight, and assurance for educational and financial performance.

The three core functions of our Governing body at Twyford St Mary’s are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff, and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

The Governing Body at Twyford St Mary’s is instrumental in working with the Headteacher and school staff to make the school the best it can be.  We are lucky to have such a dedicated team of volunteer Governors who offer their time and expertise freely and enthusiastically.

The Governing Body welcome dialogue with members of the school community and take every opportunity to get involved in school life. However, if you have any concerns relating to the day to day running of the school, these should in the first instance be referred to the Head Teacher through the school office.

The Governing Body consists of four co-opted governors, three foundation governors, two parent governors, one staff governor and our headteacher.

Twyford St Mary’s Primary School

Governors’ Details/ Pecuniary Interests Register Academic year 2022/2023   

First Name Surname Category Appointed Term of Office

(no. of years & end date)

Committee membership Responsibilities  

Voting Rights


Pecuniary Interests
Sophie Davies Head Teacher 14/12/2020 N/A N/A Resources and Health & Safety N/A N/A None
Freya Fixler Co-opted 17/12/2022 4 16/12/2026 Safeguarding, Resources, Head Teacher Performance Management Chair of Governing Body None
Carola Breuning Foundation 07/09/2022 4 06/09/2026 FGB, Science, Foundation None
Damon Draisey Foundation 17/10/2018 N/A FGB, Well being None
Jo Robb Co-opted 04/12/2023 4 03/12/2027 Resources, SEND, English Vice Chair of Governing Body None
Hannah Greenberg Parent 16/10/2020 4 15/10/2024 FGB, Maths,  Equalities None
Bruce Greig Co-opted 03/01/2023 4 02/01/2027 Resources, Head Teacher Performance Management 1 Declared
Luke Ince Co-opted 22/11/2023 4 21/11/2027 Resources, Health & Safety, Head Teacher Performance Management N/A None
Staff Governor Vacancy None
Jane  Roots Foundation 30/10/2023 4 29/10/2027 FGB, Wellbeing, Worship, Christian Distinctiveness None
Sami Stagnell Parent 08/02/2024 4 07/02/2027 FGB None
Rachel Nicholls Clerk None

Full Governing Body meetings are held once every half term.  Minutes of the Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings are held in school and on Governor Hub. You may make a request to view the minutes via the school office or by email to the Clerk to the Governors at the following email

Our school governing body has two sub-committee’s.

The Resources committee deals with all HR, finance and Buildings & Grounds matters. It is a sub-committee of the Governing Body. Matters of Standards & Curriculum are discussed within the Full Governing Body meetings.

Below is a link to the Resources Terms of Reference document

The Head Teacher’s Performance Management Committee (HT Performance Management Committee) reviews the Headteacher’s targets and outcomes for the academic year.

Working groups are set up occasionally to review specific areas, as and when required, as per the Governing bodies Terms of Reference.

Sophie Davies is our Head Teacher and sits on the Governing body.

Rev Damon Draisey is the Vicar of Twyford St Mary’s Church and is also on the Governing Body.

Freya Fixler is the Chair of Governors and is a Co-opted Governor. She is our Safeguarding Governor and also sits on the Resources committee and the HT Performance Management committee. Freya has two children currently at the school. Her expertise lies with Human Resources and Health and Safety.

Jo Robb is a Vice-Chair of Governors and is a Co-opted Governor. She is our SEND and English link Governor and sits on the Resources Committee. Jo has expertise in business consultancy and retail leadership, specialising in digital and ecommerce and runs her own independent content consultancy. Jo has two children currently at the school.

Luke Ince is a Co-opted Governor and previously had two children at the school. Luke has expertise in engineering, finance, leadership and management. Luke is our Health & Safety Governor, and Chair of the Resources Committee.

Bruce Greig is a Co-opted Governor, who has a long standing relationship with TSM that spans over a decade. Bruce supports the school with financial leadership and has expertise in business, law and SEND mediation. He sits on the Resources and HT Performance Management committees.

Hannah Greenberg is a Parent Governor. She is our Maths link Governor and oversees Equalities and Inclusion. Hannah is a Winchester City Councillor for the ward of Colden Common & Twyford and was previously an A&E doctor with experience in supporting  vulnerable children and young adults with Head Injury and Learning Disabilities and LGBT children. Hannah has one child currently at the school.

Sami Stagnell is a Parent Governor. Sami is an oral surgeon with experience of Governing at another Hampshire school and over 15 years experience in healthcare, and running his own medical practice. Sami has two children at the school.

Carola Breuning is a Foundation Governor. She is our Science and Foundation Link Governor and the Designated Training Governor. Carola is a valued volunteer and parent of our community who has expertise in marketing and advertising. Carola currently has four children at the school.

Jane Roots is a Foundation Governor. Jane has had a long association with the school and is a regular volunteer and familiar face to the TSM children and staff.

Rachael Nicholls is the Clerk to our Governing body.

Twyford St Mary’s Primary School

Governor Attendance Record for the Academic Year 2022-24

Full Governing Body Resources Committee
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. 
  • Finance,
  • Staffing/personnel
  • Health and safety
  • Buildings/grounds maintenance
Name Number of meetings the governor should have attended Number of meetings attended Attendance rate           (%) Number of meetings the governor should have attended Number of meetings attended Attendance rate           (%)
Freya Fixler 6 6 100% 6 5 83%
Sophie Davies 6 6 100% 6 6 100%
Jo Robb 6 6 100% 6 6 100%
David Evans 6 6 100%
Hannah Greenberg 6 3 50%
Luke Ince 6 6 100% 6 6 100%
Sophie Keating 6 5 83%
Keri Billen (Left May 2023) 5 4 80% 5 4 80%
Carola Bruening 6 4 67%
Damon Draisey 6 4 67%
Bruce Greig (Joined Nov 2022) 4 4 100% 4 4 100%

Links to

  1. Instrument of Government –
  2. Governors’ Code of Conduct –
  3. Governors’ Allowances Policy –
  4. Governor Diversity Infographic –