Twyford St Mary's
Church of England Primary School


Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome to our thriving village school, in the heart of the Hampshire village of Twyford.

At Twyford St Mary’s School, you will find a warm and welcoming setting full of children happily engaged in well-planned, purposeful learning. The Christian values of Courage, Care, Joy, and Respect permeate throughout our school. The positive impact of these values not only underpins all the work we do to help our pupils be proud and develop their own unique interests, but also supports them as they build key foundational learning skills to help them succeed in their journey through education.

As a leader, it is my belief that by working together with the children, parents, carers, and staff, we can raise standards in every area of learning. Through collaboration we will help our children to achieve their absolute full potential and continue on into the wider world as confident, respectful, thoughtful members of society.

My priority is always to move the school forward, by recognising our current strengths as well as always seeking out and addressing areas where we can improve. We are a forward-thinking team who continually evaluate our practice and policies and we, too, are always learning. Our strength is in our relationships – with each other, with parents and families, and with our local and wider communities. Together, through our collective endeavours, we support our children to achieve the very best in their academic, creative, personal, physical, moral, and spiritual development.

It is both a privilege and a pleasure to lead this wonderful school, and to welcome you all into the Twyford St Mary’s School family.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Sophie Davies
