Twyford St Mary's
Church of England Primary School


Pupil Voice

At Twyford St. Mary’s, every child has the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and take responsibility for an aspect of school life. Pupil Voice is an important part of the way we work in our setting.

Some of our special Pupil Voice roles in school include:


  • The School Council: The School Council helps advise on key projects that are going on in the school. They might help select successful applicants for the monitor job, represent the school in community settings, or even help judge charity colouring competitions!
    How it works: Each term two children from each class are chosen by a vote amongst the children in their class to represent them all on the school council.  This means there are three opportunities in every academic year for children to sit on our school council and represent their peers in guiding the way Twyford St Mary’s runs.

  • Team Captains and Vice Captains: There are four house teams at Twyford St Mary’s – Finches, Hazeley, Manor, and Bourne – and each team is led by two Year 6 children. Team Captains and Vice Captains lead the houses as they acquire House Points, count the house points for their team each week, and lead the teams at Sports Day. Team and Vice Captains often act as unofficial role models for the younger children and often form bonds across the school that they carry into secondary settings.
    How it works: In September each year, following a full week of campaigning, eight Year 6 children are elected as Team Captains and Vice Captains for the academic year. All Year 6 children are encouraged to stand. Candidates create posters and give a short speech to their house explaining why they would like the role. At the end of the week, the whole school vote in their house teams to choose their Team Captains and Vice Captains.

  • Spiritual Ambassadors: Our Spiritual Ambassadors are three Year 6 children who help to lead the spiritual development of the school and services.
    How it works: These children are specially chosen by the Headteacher in September and play a central role in the Harvest Festival, Easter, and Christmas services. They also present the weekly ‘spiritual award’ in celebration assembly.

  • Monitor jobs: All children, depending on their year group, are eligible to apply for one of a number of monitor jobs. These roles range from IT monitor to librarian, and environment monitor to assembly set up, and many more.
    How it works: Monitor jobs are changed termly, three times a year, giving as many children as possible a chance to carry out a role. Applications are made at the start of each new term and positions are given by the school council with Mrs Keating’s support.

  • Peer Mentors: We encourage children who want to become Peer Mentors. These are Key Stage 2 pupils who are trained to mentor younger children in learning and play.
    How it works: Mentors are specially selected by staff to lead certain aspects of school life, for example, to be reader mentors to younger children or to support our sensory circuits intervention. These roles usually stay in place for the year unless the children are ready to move on.

  • Green Team: The Green Team are Key Stage 2 children who encourage our school to be as eco-conscious as possible. They lead assemblies, the Green Fair, Green sweeps of the school, and raise funds for special eco projects.
    How it works: Children from Year 4 who wish to be on the Green Team must apply at the beginning of the academic year. Our headteacher, alongside the existing Green Team, selects three new members each year. Children on the Green Team continue in this role for the remainder of their time at Twyford St. Mary’s, so our team always consists of 9 children across Years 4, 5, and 6.

  • Club Leaders: We encourage our Key Stage 2 children who wish to lead a lunchtime activity to set up and run these Clubs for others to join.
    How it works: Applications to run a club should be made, by children, to Mrs Keating at the start of the summer term. Although not every club may be possible (depending on resources and available space) we will look to accommodate and support as many as we can each term.