Subject Lead: Tracey Aitken
How we teach Maths
At Twyford St Mary’s, we aim to instil all children with a love of and curiosity for mathematics. As a Core subject, we strive to ensure that children realise the importance of mathematics, including its links to other subjects and role in real-life problem solving.
Across all year groups – teaching staff and learners – we have a ‘can do’ attitude to maths using our learning keys of perseverance, independence, team, curiosity, and critical thinking.
We encourage children to explore concrete representations of calculations and problems, moving on to pictorial representations of calculations and jottings to help the children to see the underlying mathematical structures. Children are supported in the application of abstract representations of mathematical ideas – when they are ready – and these representations, alongside structures and images, always remain evident to support the children’s learning.
Fluency, and the ability to apply mathematical knowledge and reasoning skills, is developed through purposeful, daily practice of maths, and an ongoing review of strengths and areas to improve. Pupils are given opportunities to rehearse their knowledge, including important retrieval tasks that the children do at the start of the day.
Maths lessons are active, engaging, and purposeful with the teacher working with the children to co-construct learning. New vocabulary is taught and modelled, teachers connect new learning to what the children have learnt before and there is a buzz of mathematical talk in lessons. All pupils use their mathematical knowledge to reason mathematically and solve problems. Assessment for learning is ongoing in all lessons by both the teacher and LSAs, with misconceptions identified and addressed immediately where possible.
We have a strong focus on ‘live marking’, through verbal feedback, that is carried out in class by teacher or LSAs, and the children are given opportunities to self and peer assess and reflect on their next steps. Careful progression of our curriculum in our mixed year classes aims for our pupils to become proficient and ready for the next year group (and secondary school, in the case of Year 6s.)
The Early Years and KS1
From an early age, a strong sense of number, counting, and place value is instilled as a crucial foundation for other areas of mathematical understanding. We run discrete lessons on times tables – starting with a ‘2, 10, 5 derive’ approach – to help the children understand that times tables are a set of inter-related facts. We promote the practice of addition and subtraction facts and timetables using Numbots and TT Rockstars.
Our Year 4s are supported as they work towards the Multiplication Tables Check, with the expectation that they know all 12 of the times tables with fluent confidence. As they work towards SATs in Year 6 we build on these foundations, extending their knowledge, skills and confidence.
The Twyford St Mary’s Maths expert:
- Is an enthusiastic, creative, and flexible learner. Our expert mathematician loves learning and has a real desire to grow their skills in every lesson.
- Can work systematically, loves to involve themselves in productive struggle, and is able to apply knowledge from different domains to solve problems.
- Takes responsibility for their own learning and can reflect on their learning, often self- assessing they could teach the concept to their peers.
- Thrives on challenge, is able to see links with other subjects and can apply their knowledge and skills in real life situations.
Our approach to Maths for SEND learners
Our model of teaching is intended to give all children the opportunity to experience related mathematical ideas at the same time as their peers, then to practise, revisit and embed their mathematical learning at a pace that matches their needs.
Our mathematics curriculum at Twyford St Mary’s identifies and sequences learning in small steps making sure that knowledge of the children with SEND builds steadily over time. Lessons revisit previous learning and are regularly organised in such a way that allows teachers to respond to the needs of the children with SEND in the class, giving them quality first teaching.
Pupils with SEND are also given additional help where needed, including pre- and post-teaching, and in some cases, precision teaching interventions.
Supporting tools
Numbots See this Numbots Parent Guide
TT Rockstars See this TTRS Parent Guide
Purple Mash See this Guide for Parents on Purple Mash
More information